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Monday, April 29, 2013

TRICIA MOSES - Breathe Easy for Tricia!

The family and friends of Tricia are uniting to raise money to help as she begins her lung transplant journey in Pittsburgh. God Bless CLICK HERE TO GIVE! Meet Tricia!! Tricia Has Scleroderma and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Tricia is a young, caring, vibrant, elementary school teacher in Brooklyn, New York. Tricia was diagnosed with Scleroderma in late 2008. Scleroderma is really a symptom of a group of diseases that involve the abnormal growth of connective tissue, which supports the skin and internal organs. In some forms of scleroderma, hard, tight skin is the extent of this abnormal process. In other forms, such as Tricia's however, the problem goes much deeper, affecting blood vessels and internal organs, such as her lungs. This is where Idiopathic Pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) comes into play. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is a condition in which the lung tissue becomes thickened, stiff, and scarred. As a result, Tricia was placed oxygen 24 hrs a day because her brain, heart, and other organs were not getting the oxygen they needed to function properly. No one knows what causes these chronic diseases and up to date there is NO CURE!! Tricia is at the point of her disease where she needs a lung transplant to live. Even with insurance the cost of a lung transplant can cost over a million dollars! We are doing everything we can to get Tricia new lungs so that she will be with us for a while longer!!


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