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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

“People in A Glass House Shouldn’t Throw Stones”?

Have you ever heard the phrase: “People in A Glass House Shouldn’t Throw Stones”?  The proverb has been traced back to Geoffrey Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde’.  George Herbert wrote in 1651: “Whose house is of glass, must not throw stones at another.’  This saying is first cited in the US in ‘William & Mary College Quarterly”.  Half a century later Benjamin Franklin wrote, ‘Don’t throw stones at your neighbors’, if your own windows are glass.’  ‘To live in a glass house’ is used as a figure of speech referring to vulnerability.  ‘Those who are vulnerable should not attack others’ cited from “Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs & Sayings” by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996)

January 2K11 I encountered a moment of reconciliation. I needed to re-establish my relationship with myself and cultivate a nurturing self-love system that was conducive to self-growth and progressive steps toward my personal goals. I achieved this by ridding my life of any unwelcome negative energy being channeled in.  

After reminding myself of the simple fact: no one has the power to offend me unless I give it to them. I became aware of turning every experience into a learning and development opportunity for myself.  This is not easy, it takes humility. It definitely demands objectivity. More importantly, in order to learn from every experience we have in life, we must deny ourselves, our ego and our pride. We have to master suppressing the very characteristic(s) that makes up who we are.  We have to bare our souls and be painfully honest with ourselves during the self-evaluation. It is so much easier to look at the obstacles or people in your life and cast judgment or blame on them for not recognizing the root cause of the situation and owning the fact that maybe WE could have avoided conflict.  

This is a skill set I wish to master being in the field of communications. I must communicate effectively and clearly at all times.  I have to be strategic and most of all effective!  With that being said, if I don’t have all of my shit together I’m not going to pick out everything you have out of place. I’m going to look at how your unorganized patterns of behavior has caused you more obstacles and maybe learn through your experiences. However, because I’m not where I want to be nor have I “arrived”; I am not in a position, being just as vulnerable to other peoples critiques, to cast a stone on your glass house.

I feel as if I am in an extremely vulnerable position with this new endeavor I am venturing to conquer. It’s just me and my imagination, tenacity and ambition…something even my friends are having a hard time conceiving.  Let me know how you feel about this quote: “People in A Glass House Shouldn’t Throw Stones”?  What is the best way to deal people who make it a practice to throw stones?


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